

Assignment 3

Open Rhino with its 4 viewports Create 3D objects: Draw a rectangular surface Copy it and then rotate it Create different 3D shapes (spheres and cubes) and use the boolean commands: boolean union boolean difference boolean intersection boolean split (then drag them away from each other so they look exploded) Label the objects according to

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3D Modeling (Resubmission)

This is a chance to resubmit the 3D Modeling assignment if you didn’t have time to complete it before or if you improved it. Here are the requirements once again: You are required to model the Farnsworth House as shown in today’s session. You should model the floors, columns, interior walls, glass walls, roof, and

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Assignment 2: Map

Download the resources for this assignment: Open the Downtown Cairo map, organize the different elements in the file into different layers Put the text on 1 layer (To select all the text boxes, use the Select tab above > Objects > text) Put the building blocks on a layer Put the stops on a layer

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